With an art fair next weekend, and a collaboration project in the works, I’ve really got to get these tiles bisqued. And I might as well fill the whole kiln with a “few” other things too, right?
Bisque Kiln Layer #1 – mugs, mugs and more mugs!!!
Bisque Kiln Layer #2 – assorted bowls, spoon rests, soap dishes and some tiles.
Bisque Kiln Layer #3 – mugs, soap dispensers, a teapot, and two large platters.
Bisque Kiln Layer #4 – more mugs, tumblers and a lot of tiles.
And here’s the BULK of my textured tiles for the collaboration pieces I’m doing with Cory McCrory. Packed tight, piled high with a bit of air space between the rows. Fingers crossed that the heat makes it into that dense pack of tiles okay?