Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: special events

One of the highlights this week while playing in Dover is the chance to see the trademark Budweiser Clydesdale horses in person. They’re here for a marketing promo during the Big Barrel Country Music Festival. During the event they get all dressed up in their special parade attire… and then prance around the venue for all to see. And they are beautiful. You can almost see how proud they are to pulling that wagon.

Even better, during the morning hours before gates open, the Clydesdales are led around the grounds for their daily exercise. So much fun to see them up close. Out of uniform. Having a great time… before they head back to the “stable” for a full cleaning, drying, grooming & primping!!! Such beautifully majestic animals.

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