Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bike, sunrise

This morning I was feeling adventurous and decided to go further south to a new beach for me. I keep looking at the Google Map on my phone to see if there are other options for a good water-side sunrise. Looks like I’ve done most of them… except for this one! So this morning I woke up a little earlier and pedaled off into the darkness. Part way down, as I was rounding the Air Force Base, the morning colors were starting to peek through… sooner than I would like… all I could do was pedal faster!!!

Luckily, by the time I got to Kitt’s Hummock, the morning sky was still changing colors. Turning a beautiful range of pastel colors.

And again… not a single soul on the beach besides me!!! Gotta love a sunrise just for ME!!!


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