Many years ago I did an art fair in Elmhurst for the holidays. During a slow moment in the show, I had a chance to wander around the show and see some of the other artists. I remember being taken by some wonderful baskets made by this cute little lady. A few years later, I find out that Guy Nicol, the art photographer across the hall from my studio, also photographs these wonderful baskets. Small world, huh?
So imagine my surprise when this session of classes I have a new teaching assistant Cynthia… and it turns out that she’s the daughter of the cute little basket weaver!!! Cynthia brought in some of her Mom’s work to class so we could all see them. And they’re still pretty fantastic. Not only are they incredibly beautiful… but they are also made from pine needles… yes, PINE NEEDLES!!! Crazy, huh? Apparently she uses raffia to “stitch” it all together and make some beautiful detailed patterns. And surprisingly, the baskets are very tight & sturdy… not a flimsy little basket one might expect?!
And my personal favorite, the cutest and smallest of the basket samples she brought in. It fit perfectly in my hand, the pattern mesmerizing. The perfect basket… now only if it could hold a hot fudge sundae?!!!
Unfortunately, Florence does not have a website to show off her work. So if you’re interested in finding out more information or purchasing a basket of your own, her’s her contact information…
And thanks to Cynthia for bringing in these beautiful baskets to class for my students to see.