Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bike, sunrise

After two days of “blue”, it was great to see have a beautiful sunrise this morning.
I always like ORANGE better than BLUE.

Very late in the morning… I’m really looking forward to the time change
this weekend to give me an “extra” hour to play on my bike!

Categories: process, production

Tonight I tackled the bottoms of a LOT of pots.
I love trimming… but this was a LOT even for me!!!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Yesterday was another “blue” day…
More clouds with even less chance of a sunrise than the day before.
Still pretty in a very moody sort of way.

Categories: production

They started as a “class demo” last week on collaring & shaping.
One of my students asked if you could collar it in far enough to make a bottle. I said yes, and then made one. Kinda liked it… so I’ve made a few more in my studio. Planning to fill at least one shelf in my upcoming soda kiln with these new bottles. Still need to decide how I’m going to decorate them… I’m not sure I can get “into them” to stamp them properly?!

Categories: holiday, ornaments, production

My latest batch of holiday ornaments are now one step closer.
They’ve been stamped & trimmed… now waiting for cap, ring & some colored slip accents.

They’re all getting ready for my annual “My Home For The Holidays” Home Show.
Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 22nd & Sunday, November 23rd.
More details to come…

Categories: sunrise
Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

After yesterday’s STUNNING sunrise spectacular… this morning was not.
Sure we had clouds. Sure we had some drama. Hope you like blue…
because that’s what we got. Not quite a sunrise.

And here’s what’s left of the boardwalk that used to take you about 20-feet from the water’s edge. Now you can get extra close to the water at the “flooded beach.”

And then the sky started to lighten up, and I must admit I was still thinking there might be a chance for a cool sunrise. I was wrong. Just more clouds…

Categories: clay, production

After making a LOT of reclaim, I finally starting making some things with all of my new FREE porcelain!!! Have I mentioned lately that I love FREE clay?!!!

Categories: nature, photography, sunrise

Pretty amazing turned the “other” way too… either way you look at it…

Categories: photography, sunrise

And with the most perfect sunrise this morning…
of course we also have the most perfect panoramic shot too!!!