Today was a BEAUTIFUL day in Chicago!!!
Perfect weather. A wonderfully warm day of late Indian Summer.
The PERFECT day for a little run along the Lakefront.
Today was the Monster Dash Half Marathon. They “encourage” people to dress up in costume. Some people did. Some people did not.
We did not.
Instead, we decided to run in comfortable running clothes. Especially with the surprisingly warm weather, any extra layers or facial make-up would have become a big sweaty mess! Chris and I had a great run. Another fun run with friends. Another 13.1 miles : done!!!
During the post-Finish Line festivities, my friend Chris found an bunch of new friends to hangout with! Just another example of the “monsters” playing downtown today for the Monster Dash Half Marathon. With any luck, we’re pretty sure that Chris will make it to the Monster Dash Facebook page with this one!!!
And it’s another fun running event… for this essentially NON-RUNNER!!!
I still prefer my bike… but bike events don’t give medals!!! Ha.
Plus, oh but wait there’s more... we also got a really cool lightweight jacket & knit hat!!!
Just for signing up & finishing! Sweet… I LOVE freebies!!!
Followed by a quick bike ride this afternoon…
enjoying the wonderful weather AND working out a few of the kinks!