With a big sky “event” this morning, you know I “had to” go out to see it & and take photos.
But who knew it would last so long???
I assumed the Lunar Eclipse would do its thing in a matter of minutes. Much like a sunrise or sunset can change & finish in minutes. Wrong. This Lunar Eclipse lasted well over an hour!!! Who knew?!!!
Here are the “early” photos of that shadowed dot in the sky when it was still VERY dark out.
And if you turn your back and look the other way… this is the beginning of today’s sunrise.
Okay, I must admit… for awhile I was looking out this way for the moon & eclipse.
Didn’t see it… wondered if it was already “eclipse-covered” and I would see it when the shadow passed??? Or maybe I would see it better if I turned around and faced the right direction like I should?… look West!!! duh.
So… as the morning progressed, the sun continued to rise and the eclipse seemed to linger.
A lot longer than I thought it would. Good thing I jumped out of bed and raced out earlier than normal to catch it, huh?!!!
Meanwhile… again… if you turned back around and diverted your attention from the Lunar Eclipse that seemed to be lasting forever, the sunrise wasn’t too shabby either.