Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: music, special events, Taylor

Who can resist an adorable 8-year old singing Les Miserables at the school talent show?
Not me.

So when Taylor called to invite me I knew that I had to make the drive out to the ‘burbs tonight to see her big stage debut. She auditioned & decided to sing “Castle On A Cloud” from my favorite musical. And although she had a few technical “issues” along the way, I think she had a wonderful performance! And could she be any cuter??? Really?

Click here to see the video footage from her big debut!


Categories: classes

So I made it to teach class in the nick of time… and found some sweet treats waiting for me. Including the two NEW limited edition Oreo flavors. And I have the best students ever…  they know me so well!!! Thank you Anne & Shea!

Categories: sunset, travel

Sunset reflections at Midway Airport with just enough time to get to Lillstreet
in time to teach my Tuesday night class. Whew!

Categories: sunset, travel

Beautiful flight at sunset… and an even better nap for the first 3/4 of the flight!!!

Categories: travel

Seems like it was just yesterday… oh wait, it was!!!
Quick in. Quick out. And it sounds like I missed another big snowstorm in Chicago.

Categories: sunrise

A beautiful Delaware sunrise over the Dover Downs racetrack.
Just a few meetings today and then it’s back on the plane!


Categories: travel

Here we go again…

Unfortunately, neither South nor West!!! Still in the snow…

Categories: pottery, process, production, studio

So I went back into the studio today hoping to find that my lightbulbs had been replaced.
Sadly, not so much. So it was another day of working “in the dark” with my little task lights. Ike did stop by to check on the bulbs, and he found out that they’re currently out of replacements. So he needs to order more… and I need to wait. Great… just great.

Twenty balls of clay… twenty berry bowl plates coming soon.

Almost done… only one more to go!
And finding that throwing in the dark is somehow more relaxing. Who knew???

Under cover of darkness, I finished throwing the small plates.

I putzed around for awhile, and then realized that that they were drying up pretty quickly. So I decided to do some decorative fluting on the edges before I wrapped them up for the night.

Categories: process, production, studio

While I was working tonight, the fluorescent ceiling lights in my studio began to flicker. Kind of an irritating strobe-like effect. It went on for about 20 minutes. But then, all of a sudden, they went out all together.

So there I was trying to finish trimming & drilling holes in my newest batch of berry bowls… in darkness!!! It was pretty tough working in the small “spotlight” from my table-top task lighting. Good thing my power drill is cordless & battery-operated!!!

Categories: patterns, process, production, stamps, YouTube

Okay, you’ve asked for it… many times. And I just kept putting it off.

Well, today I FINALLY tackled my first stamping demo video.
While I’m no Steven Spielberg, but I’m fairly pleased for my first attempt.
And I’m pretty sure the next one will be better… or at least shot in a horizontal format?!
Let me know what you think.

Click here to watch my VERY FIRST demo video!!!… which is now also on YouTube!!!