After finishing de-Christmasing the Pier a bit early today, I decided it was the perfect afternoon to do my first official bike ride of the New Year! The lakefront path is still a bit treacherous in parts, but the frozen lakefront was beautiful. Especially the crashing waves, the icebergs & rainbows. Yes… rainbows!!!
Most of the bike trail was pass-able. Okay, some parts were pretty dicey. I did have to get off and walk over some icy patches… and actually portage my bike across some piles of icy snow & muddy puddles.
An iceberg “sink hole.” It would fill up every time the waves came in, and then empty out as the waves receded. In this photo, the water is “draining” down.
And sure, the crashing waves & broken icebergs are pretty cool… but dirty! Actually it’s the sand being churned up from the waves and mixing in with the water as it is freezing onshore!
And to think I actually use these stairs to climb out of the lake when swimming in the summer?! Looks like I’ve got a couple months before the water will be warm enough to swim in again?!!!
Love how the ice has “draped” the boulders along the water’s edge.
And the “fringe” if ice draping down the sides of the breakwaters…
And did I mention “rainbows”???…
Look close for the rainbow towards the left side of the photo. When the waves were crashing in, they were somehow getting “trapped” under the layer of iceberg. And then a bit of mist was bursting through as the sun was hitting it in just the right way. Creating a rainbow with every crashing wave!
Clouds rolling in… and temperatures dropping… time to pedal home!