Yes. The time is here. No more training. It is what it is.
So today was the Marathon Runner’s Expo. It’s where all 45,000 runners come to check-in and pick-up their participation packet. After months of training, the time is here. And by picking up my official packet… I am officially nervous, anxious & excited!!! But it was great fun to walk the Expo with Tracy – my friend & experienced marathon runner. She did her best to calm my nerves and answer all my questions.
Needless to say, it’s hard not to get swept up in the excitement. So many trade booths. All selling souvenirs. All selling clothing. Color overload. A lot of moisture-wicking fabrics. Lots of carbo-loading snacks. Lots of things that every runner “thinks” he just has to have!!! And yes, I fell victim… and came home with more neon than expected. Long sleeve and tank top shirts. Covering my bases for both warm & cold days!
Now let me just say for the record… I AM NOT A RUNNER.
As you know, I’m a bicyclist. I love biking. And have dabbled with Triathlons… three times.
But for some strange reason, I decided to check another adventure off “My Bucket List.”
I figured it’s never going to get an easier… especially since…
So I’m continuing my week of celebration by running my first marathon!!!
We’ll see how it goes…
The morning started with clear skies. but as I turned around to head home,
I saw that a bank of spotted clouds coming into view. Wouldn’t it be nice
if they made it in time for the rising sun to hit them?!
And the spotted clouds started to seep into place…
After a little waiting, the spotted clouds made it into view… and into the sunrise!
We didn’t get very far… until we stopped at Joe Christensen‘s studio in Hudson, Wisconsin to see some huge pots, vessels & sculptures with wonderful textures, carving, slip patterns & sgraffito. Not surprisingly, larger pots using more clay take a lot more time to dry. So these large vessels have been sitting out for days, and are different stages of dryness. The darker the stoneware clay, the wetter the clay is.
And you thought those ones were big… check out this huge one still sitting on the wheel…
You know how I love texture & pattern… so I knew I had to share these great surfaces with all of you. Some especially wide & deep sgrafitto through the white slip layer.
On the other side of Joe’s workspace are some finished pots. Already glazed & fired.
Now just waiting to go home with a satisfied customer!
For those of you in the Chicago area, Joe and his huge pots will once again be on display at “One Of A Kind” over the first weekend of December. Click here for more information about Joe Christiansen.
This morning we strolled through an incredible 8-block long Farmers Market in downtown Minneapolis. So many wonderful fruits, veggies, flowers, colors & textures!
Along the way, we tripped upon a statue commemorating Mary Tyler Moore… and that momentus occasion when she made it to Minneapolis and celebrated by throwing her hat up in the air. Of course we had to recreate it… but all we had was Pam’s stalk of brussel sprouts!
Apparently Pam really likes brussell sprouts?!… who knew?
For breakfast, Pam and I went out and asked the Concierge to recommend a breakfast restaurant. He suggested a place down the street called “Hell’s Kitchen”… no relation to Gordon Ramsay. The food was incredible… but I especially like the chandelier hanging over the stairs made with knives & meat cleavers!!!