Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: flowers, friends, garden

I’ve often said that my favorite flower is a Black-Eyed Susan. I love how they grow pretty much everywhere… except for my own garden?! Well this Fall, I have planted a few more with fingers crossed. I planted some “regular” ones, as well as some of these fuller & larger ones. Plus, I received a wonderful care package in the mail from my friend Maryann in Baltimore. Apparently she has a HUGE patch of hardy Black-Eyed Susans. So she dug out a few and sent me some bare roots in the mail for my birthday present. Everything’s in the ground… hoping for some good weather to get them started before Winter sets in. And then we’ll see next year what happens?! C’mon Susan… I’m rooting for you!

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