Every summer, a small section of rural Bristol, Wisconsin transforms back to the olden days in the 1500’s. Inhabited by hundreds of people in full costume reenacting the merry days of the Medieval times. Of course there are the rest of us “normal” people there to enjoy some revelry, some jousting and some just good-ol’ people watching!!! Well, today was the last day of the “show” and the crazy cast of characters were everywhere!!!
For those of you who may never have been to a Renaissance Faire… it’s a big festival full of everything needed to take you back to the Renaissance times! There are authentic buildings throughout, bands of strolling musicians, artisans & craftsmen, performers, jousters, food booths and of course, the Royal Family and their full entourage. Many people are in full costume, all trying their best to “stay in character.”
Throughout the Faire, you will frequently run across a “pop-up” performance of singers or dancers. Kind of like a Medieval Flash Mob. I’m always amazed at how they are all SO into it. Never breaking character. Always being authentic. Even when “normal” people like us are just standing there gawking at them… and taking pictures!!!
One of my favorite parts is finding all of the “characters” who inhabit the lands. So many in full costume. Always in character. Interacting with the crowd. “Living” at the Renaissance Faire. My favorite character every year is the “Spider Lady.” She weaves her web throughout the summer and it becomes a large string “installation piece” that people can walk through & add things to. She continues to work on it, and encourages kids to help her decorate the string web. She’s so sweet with everyone… without ever saying a word.
Throughout the park you continue to run across other characters… all of them interacting with the public, entertaining the crowd while having a great time themselves!
Okay… so some of the “public” comes in costume as well. Quite a few actually. Although not everyone quite gets the time period. Not everyone maintains a sense of appropriateness. Not everyone realizes that “any costume” doesn’t fit in just because it’s a costume?! Somehow “steampunk” has now been added to the mix? As well as wolves, vampires and even Little Red Riding Hood??? Although I must admit that this merry trio were one of my favorites… The Knights Of The Round Keg.
And let’s just say… not everything is pretty. Some people take it one step too far. Some “characters” decide to push the envelope a bit… I’m not quite sure how this one fits in thematically, but it was well done & pretty darn creepy!
There’s a LOT of people who come to the Renaissance Faire in costume. And some that rent or purchase costumes while they’re there. There’s typically a LOT of skin showing. A LOT of chain maille. A LOT of cleavage spilling out over the corsets.
And some are just a LOT… a lot of wrong!!!
Sorry, I couldn’t resist… yeah, I know it’s mean. But seriously!
One of the favorite shows every year is “The Mud Show.” Three guys who play in the mud, jump in the mud, even eat the mud. They get the crowd all riled up and then pan-handle & beg to get some cash from the crowd. And they get a LOT of cash!!! Very funny… every time!
At the other end of the park, the jousting ring offers several performances throughout the day.
We decided to go to the last performance of the day which was “Joust To The Death.” And apparently they weren’t kidding?! Jousting, swordplay and a little more blood than I expected! Our “blue knight” didn’t quite survive the battle!
But my favorite part every year is “Vegetable Justice.” I could sit there for hours!!! The concept is simple… a guy in the stockade slings insults at the person PAYING REAL MONEY to throw tomatoes at him! The guy in the box is brilliant. Very quick. Very witty. Very funny. And only once in awhile a tad inappropriate… which just makes funnier!
Even the little kids can get into the fun…
No matter what insults are hurled… you can’t say that everyone wasn’t forewarned!