Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: lillstreet
Categories: bike, sunrise

What started out as a beautifully clouded morning with deep indigo skies and good sunrise potential… just turned into muddled gray with even more clouds! No real sunrise. just a sliver of hope in the end.

And then the solid cloud cover rolled in… with more clouds……and even more clouds!

There’s gotta be some way to make the clouded sky look fun, right?!

Categories: inspiration

I never thought I would be able to run a mile. Ever. Let alone a marathon.
But here I am, training to do just that. Today was my longest run yet…
and I’m only halfway there! Whose idea was this crazy scheme???

At least I can say now that I’ve run a “Half Marathon.”
Hopefully I’ll be able to do the full Marathon in less than a month!
Sounded like a good idea when I signed up several months ago.

Categories: lillstreet

Several skids of new kiln bricks showed up at Lillstreet today. Looks like some kiln building is about to take place!?… I think the plan is for Doug & Neil and the kiln building team to start building tomorrow. Can’t wait to see it all come back together.

Categories: bike, nature, sunrise

Sure… it was warm & humid this morning.
Sure… I could see that it had rained overnight.
Sure… there were a lot of clouds.
Sure… there was not much chance for a pretty sunrise.

Sure… I had heard a forecast for morning rain.
Sure… I felt a few sprinkles halfway into my ride.
Sure… I could have seen the lightning off in the distance as a sign.
Sure… I could have heeded the warning thunder.

Sure…. I got soaked for the last 8 miles of my ride.
Sure… it was still fun.

Sure… I know I won’t melt.

Categories: Chicago, sunrise

A bigger picture for a bigger sunrise!



Categories: bike, nature, sunrise

This morning’s sky seemed to be painted with broad brush strokes of color.
The clouds started off pretty subtle & pastel… but as the sun came up, the colors became brighter & bolder as they swept across the sky!

Yet for the third day in a row, the waves were crashing in and splashing all over the shore. Crashing waves with loud popping sounds as the water exploded like vertical geysers. And yet somehow, after two days of dark & gloomy, the brightness of today’s sunrise made the crashing waves seem somehow friendly & playful.

Categories: bike, nature, sunrise

Darker than normal. Cloudier than normal. Windier than normal.
All the makings for another “splashy-crashy-cool” morning ride!!!
Sure, the first half was great fun. Strong tailwind. Barely pedaling.
Speeding along at like 23 mph!!! Literally being pushed by the wind.
The ride back home… not so much fun!

Take a look at the flag not flying horizontally… but UPWARDS!!!

Soon enough, my fascination with the dark clouds was replaced by all the splashing!!!

With splashing all around, the sky was taking on some moody colors as well.

And a little ray of sunshine…

Categories: creativity, inspiration

I ran across this really great animated short on the Internet this evening.
It’s got some great animation. It’s got an incredible cover versions of one of my favorite songs.
Great story… and when it all comes together, a great message from one of my favorite places!

Click here to see the video… “The Scarecrow.”

According to… It’s being called “the most beautiful, haunting infomercial you’ll ever see.” And with Oscar-ready animation from the acclaimed visual effects wizards at MOONBOT Studios set over a score of Fiona Apple covering “Pure Imagination” from the 1971 cult children’s film Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, is it any wonder that Chipotle’s “stealth” promo for a free iOS game is already on a fast-track to become one of this year’s most successful marketing campaigns — all without barely mentioning the word “Chipotle.”

Click here for the full video…
well, informercial… err, App endorsement… oh, commercial?!

Categories: holiday, production, terra cotta

With a change in the weather, a chilly breeze and wet soggy day… it was the perfect chance to focus on Fall. “Art In The Barn” is just two weeks away. My festive Jack O’Lanterns are dried and waiting for their time in the kiln. So I figured it was time to work on this year’s addition to “The Ghoulish Collection.” In the past we’ve had Pumpkins, Skulls, Frankensteins & Vampires. And while some of these might be “retired” soon… it’s time for a new addition to the collection. So in the next few days, these simple cylinders will be Monster-fied!!!