Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: holiday, production, terra cotta

With a change in the weather, a chilly breeze and wet soggy day… it was the perfect chance to focus on Fall. “Art In The Barn” is just two weeks away. My festive Jack O’Lanterns are dried and waiting for their time in the kiln. So I figured it was time to work on this year’s addition to “The Ghoulish Collection.” In the past we’ve had Pumpkins, Skulls, Frankensteins & Vampires. And while some of these might be “retired” soon… it’s time for a new addition to the collection. So in the next few days, these simple cylinders will be Monster-fied!!!



September 16th, 2013

Gary, I can’t wait to see what the new character is. My vote is for zombies. I would love to see your take on them.

Amy O'Donnell

September 17th, 2013

My vote: mummy or scarecrow. Or ghost. so many options!

Do you do Thanksgiving or Christmas items, too? I know my sister and I would be very interested. 🙂

September 22nd, 2013

ALLEN – I hate to break the news… it’s not ZOMBIES. Although I will take that “under advisement” for next year’s Monster. Thanks for checking in. And I look forward to my take on them too!!!

September 22nd, 2013

AMY – Well… you’re correct. It is one of those!!!
I don’t really do anything special for Thanksgiving. No clever turkeys made out of clay. This year I have been making a TON of Christmas ornaments though!!! No such thing as a Christmas “monster”… oh wait, maybe The Grinch?!!! Now you’ve got me thinking…

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