It’s been quite busy in my studio over the past couple days… weeks even. So today was my first chance to load a bisque kiln, with another one right around the corner. I’ve scheduled my next soda kiln firing for next Saturday… and I’m scrambling to get everything done in time. Racing up to the last moment as always!!! So while these pieces are dry and going into the bisque kiln, I’ve still got some brand new, freshly thrown pieces wet in my studio?! Hoping to get those done in time too!!! Yikes!!!
Kiln Layer #1 – mugs, mugs, and lots of mugs!!!… you know they’re my favorite!!!
Kiln Layer #2 – bowls, creamers, soap dispensers, ornaments and more mugs!!!
Kiln Layer #3 – creamers, soap dispensers, test tile, soap dishes, ornaments & more!
Kiln Layer #4 – oil lamps, yarn bowls, mugs, soap dispensers and more ornaments!
So close to the top… you know how I love to pack a kiln as tight as I possibly can. It’s always a little “iffy” when you get this close to the top. Will the kiln lid close?!… without cracking anything?! All goes as planned… it’s a snug fit. And things will shrink during the firing, so everything’s good.
With so many ornaments going into the kiln, I had to be especially careful with these fragile ones. I didn’t have room to lay them all flat individually on the shelf as I would have liked to… but I’m hoping this careful stacking will work for me too?!