Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: clay, process, studio

Yesterday, as I was starting up the kiln, I took some time to clean up my studio and turn out some more reclaim clay. Right now it’s just kinda a pile of goo. But soon enough, after a little drying & wedging, I will soon have a bunch of “free” clay!!!

Categories: bowls, process, production, studio

The kiln is loaded. My glazing is done. The kiln has been started.
Sadly, not everything fit in…

As I was cleaning my studio this morning, I “created” a couple stacks of bisque that didn’t quite make it into the glaze kiln. Looks like I’ve got a good head-start on my next kiln, huh?!

I’ve already waxed the bottoms… and therefore stacked them with newspaper in between just in case. I don’t want to risk any transfer of the wax resist while they wait for my next firing!

Categories: bike, kiln firing, sunrise

A quiet rise with a serene skyline this morning. Red sun rising changing into a beautiful orange sparkle. Followed by a quick swing past the studio to turn on the kiln. Ignition ON and the firing has begun!!!

Categories: glaze, kiln firing, process, production

The kiln loading went well today. I’m sharing the cone 10 studio kiln with my studio neighbor Karen Patinkin. We’ve both ben glazing for a few days. Mine is more dipping, Her’s is more fastidious painting. Either way, we both kind of came together in the end and had a very efficient kiln loading. We were both surprised to see how early we were finished loading this evening.

Unfortunately, I got so carried away packing, loading & finishing up the kiln loading that I absolutely forgot to take some final pictures of the final stack?! So I guess we’re all going to have to wait to see the “after” photos as I forgot to take the “before”???

Categories: bike, sunrise

This morning started out clear with a few wispy clouds. Good potential.
But then, pretty quickly, more clouds moved in and converged along the horizon just at the right time to block any sort of “real” sunrise!!!

And then, it suddenly looked like it was going to rain again…
so it was time to head home quickly. Before the rain that never quite came!

Categories: bowls, glaze, process, production

The glazing has begun. My mind is getting glazed over. And it’s starting to “spread out” all over my studio. It’s amazing to me how neatly stacked piles of bisqued bowls can suddenly take over my small space once they’re glazed and no longer stackable?! Crazy. And it’s also crazy to me to see just how much bisque I have piled up in my studio… I had NO IDEA that there were so many pieces in there waiting to be glazed!!! Crazy!!!

Categories: bike, sunrise

After the fog finally lifted, the sun broke through and sparkled across the water.

Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

The skyline was almost gone this morning. Shrouded & clouded.
An odd sensation when the city you know is there… isn’t anymore!


Categories: kiln firing

Cone packs drying… ready for my cone 10 reduction glaze kiln firing on Thursday!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Well, the long Fourth of July Weekend is finally over. So much fun. Now it’s time to get back to the normal routine. Back on the bike. Back to the sunrises.