Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: glaze, process, production

So I pulled out all of my bisque today to start the glazing process. Which I must admit is my least favorite part of the whole process?! Every time I start I keep thinking that I need to find someone to do this for me?! Ha… like that will ever happen?!

And this is just the first half…
there’s another bisque kiln firing that I still need to unload & glaze as well!

1 Comment

May 17th, 2013

I always have this overly-optimistic idea of how long glazing will take me. 🙂 It always takes longer than I think, because of all the little things to fix and check, etc.

You have such beautiful texture on everything, your glazing is bound to look fabulous!

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