Today I passed a thousand “Likes” on my Fire When Ready Pottery Facebook page.
I was a little slow getting onto the Facebook band-wagon. And I must admit that I’m still not
a huge fan of it. But I do see the positive side of it for business purposes. I’d much rather
share my stories, my photos, my ramblings & my sunrises here on my blog. I think it’s a
much better place to tell a story and keep them as archived journal entries. Whereas
Facebook is more instant. So I also see the benefit to that. Not everyone has the time or
initiative to type in a website and read lengthy stories. Facebook is quicker, faster, and instant.
My stories & photos just “show up” automatically now in over a thousand people’s
Facebook News Feeds. And that’s kinda cool.
So here’s to my apparently eternal struggle…
Do I need to keep up with BOTH my blog and Facebook page?!
I think the answer is yes.
As I think they both appeal to a different demographic.
Either way, I’m just glad that someone out there is interested in my ramblings…
or at least putting up with them if only just to be nice?!
Yes, please keep your blog. There are some of us out here that have resisted FB siren song.
ALLEN – I wouldn’t worry about it. If anything were to go, it would be Facebook!!! The blog was first. It’s here to stay!!!