Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: special events

Let me just say this right up front… NO, I DID NOT DO THE “POLAR PLUNGE.”
I may get up for freezing cold, sunrise morning bike rides, but let’s not get crazy.

So this morning, when I made it down to North Avenue Beach, they were busy setting up
for today’s “Polar Plunge” for charity. There were tents all around, each one with a generator
running heating units inside. Just waiting for the “plungers” to come down for the big dive!

But with so much ice & glaciers along the lakefront, they needed to literally dig away huge
patches of snow & ice – just to get to the water! Without them… the “plungers” would be
climbing over huge piles of snow & ice just to make the big plunge for charity.

I’m sure they all had a great time diving into the freezing cold water. While I was glad to be
headed back home on my bike and home safe & warm before they ever go there. I’m pretty
sure that the “hole” they carved out will be frozen over & sealed back up by tomorrow!


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