Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: blogs

Well, I just found out tonight that I was chosen by the webmasters
at “Pottery Making Info” as one of the Top Ten Clay Bloggers of 2012.
I was chosen as #5… not that I’m counting!… Yeah me!!!

Okay… since I am apparently counting… this is my third year in a row in the Top Ten!!!

If you aren’t familiar, Pottery Making Info posts a great collection every month of
what’s happening on the many of the pottery blogs out there. Apparently they like
my pots, my stories, ,my stamps, my textures AND my sunrises!!! See, it’s all about me!!!

It is pretty exciting. And an odd sort of validation that what started as my own “little blog”
has turned into something bigger… and that it may actually be doing something, helping
someone, educating someone, or even amusing someone other than myself?! I remember
when I started it, my potter & friend Emily Murphy was the one encouraging me to do it.
I was hesitant. Fearing that I would have nothing to share and no one would care anyway.
Well, look at me now. I can’t stop posting… and apparently, someone does care.

To see the rest of the Top Ten list, click here… Top Ten Clay Bloggers of 2012.

So thank you “Pottery Making Info” for choosing my little blog again this year.
And thanks to the rest of you for taking time to read my posts… or at least look at the pictures!

Remember, if you want a more instant experience, just follow my pottery page on Facebook.
Click here for Fire When Ready Pottery on Facebookand then hit the LIKE button!


Elaine Carroll

January 8th, 2013

Congratulations, you blog is great. I’m not sure if I’m subscribed, but I sure want to be. Two more days till retirement and then pot, pots, and more pots.

January 12th, 2013

Hey Gary,

You are very welcome for selecting your blog for the list. Just a small token of appreciation for all the effort you and others put into your blogs. The images of your work in progress and the textures are very inspiring (at least to me).

Thanks for the link to the top 10 list and sharing so much on your blog. Have a great 2013. Hopefully it will be 4 in a row!

Angela Little

January 17th, 2013

Hi Gary! Yes, you are educating and entertaining me! =) I have been looking for ideas and pictures of pottery and found you to today thanks to the wonderful Internet … I’ve been helping a friend at school, she teaches art to primary school children and is at the moment working with clay and making masks and owls. She gave me some clay and told me to make something. So that’s how I started to look for ideas… to tell you the truth, I’ve been enjoying your post, your pottery, and your photography!! I am not a potter, but I so enjoy art and all the different mediums…. never taken a pottery class either, but if I lived in Chicago, I would definitely take yours. I will be following you on Facebook for an instant experience! Thank you!!

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