Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair

When I woke up this morning it was raining.
Which means no morning sunrise bike ride. Yes, I’m a fair weather rider.
With so many beautiful mornings to ride, there’s no need to suffer through
the bad ones if you don’t have to. So I didn’t ride today…

Which I guess was a good thing. Because I REALLY need to focus.
I need to get my act together this morning to get ready for ART DETOUR!
I need to do laundry, pack and all of that busy-work. As well as load up my car
with my tent, shelves & pottery. I’ve got a lot of work to do… and not much time.
I’d like to be on the road by noon. And oh yeah, did I mention that it’s raining?!
That should make the car loading even more fun, huh?!

Remember – ART DETOUR is this weekend on Friday, Saturday & Sunday.
So if you want to hop in the car a make a quick road-trip up North, we’d love to
see you! Lake Tomahawk isn’t all that far away from Chicago!

ART DETOUR 2012 – this weekend at Pigeon Road Pottery
7744 Pigeon Road, Lake Tomahawk, Wisconsin – (715) 277-5099

And be sure to follow ART DETOUR on Facebook for more details!

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