Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: clay, pottery, process, production

So you know how much I love “free” clay?! So tonight I went to make some new work…
but my bags of reclaim were a bit too wet & squishy. And new bag of soda clay I grabbed
was a bit too hard. What to do?… mix them together of course! Instead of power wedging”,
I find it a lot quicker & easier to layer the two. I start by piling up thin layers of each clay.
You can actually see the layers of the clay when I cut the pile in half.

After cutting, you take one half and slam it down on top of the other half. Press them down
together, slam if necessary, and cut in half again. Take one half and place it on top of the
other half. Press down and squish together again. Repeat. Every time you re-pile and squish,
the number of layers doubles. Thus making the layers thinner & thinner each time.

Cut in half. Restack. Press. Squish. Repeat…. and see how the layer are getting thinner???

After cutting & layering the clay several times, the two separate layers kind of disappeared
and were ready for some wedging to finish mixing the two. Not finished wedging… just some
quick wedging to mix it all up!!! And to start thinking about what I was going to make?

Once the clay was all incorporated, wedged and ready to go…
I cut up the clay into smaller chunks and wedged them into balls for throwing.

So I threw some more “replenishment” pieces… and threw.. and threw… and threw…

So now I’ve got to get them all stamped, slipped & trimmed…
and dried so they can make it into my next bisque kiln coming up VERY soon!!!

Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

Another dark morning – this time with some dramatic clouds sweeping across the sky.
That dot in the bottom right corner… that’s Navy Pier from a distance!!!

But as the sun began to come up, and I made it to the Pier and was headed home, the sky
lightened a bit. But the clouds continued to be quite dramatic!

And again, that’s Navy Pier sticking out into the lake… with Lake Point Tower as an anchor.

Categories: art fair, holiday, pottery, special events

Hard to believe that the holidays are quickly bearing down on us…
but they are. And I’ve been working hard getting ready. Because just ONE MONTH
from today is the kick-off of my annual Holiday Home Show!!! So if you’re in the
Chicago area, or even looking for a quick road-trip, I’d love to have you stop by!

Mark your calendars…
“My Home For The Holidays” Home Show 2012
Saturday, November 17th & Sunday, November 18th.
10:00am-6:00pm both days. At my home, not the studio! For specific address
information, please send me an e-mail –

Pottery in every room of my condo, food & drink in the kitchen. Plus the
ever-popular “Tired Of Shlepping Sale” on the back porch. It’s the perfect time
to kick-off your holiday shopping. I’m sure there’s something for everyone on your list…
including yourself!!! So mark your calendars and bring your friends!!!

Categories: nature, photography, sunrise
Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

Already brighter than yesterday… and a LOT fewer clouds!!!

Although there was still a good bit of wind while I was out playing on Navy Pier. Take notice
of the flags… and let me just say, the ride back home was a lot more fun with the tailwind!

It was fun to play around on the Pier while the sun was coming up. Seeing all of the normal
attractions of the Pier without all of the crowds & screaming masses. All too soon, it was
time to head home… with the tailwind… and one really cool cloud that was developing a bit
north. All stacked up and turning shades of pink…

Eventually the sun won out, and we were treated to a beautifully typical sunrise after all.

Categories: bike, sunrise

For some reason, it seemed a lot darker than usual this morning?
I made it all the way down to Navy Pier and it was still pitch black. Usually by this time,
and this mileage, the sun has started to come up and there’s a nice glow on the horizon.
All I got this morning was a line of lights reflecting from Olive Park.

Eventually the clouds did part and there was a small window of opportunity…
no sun, no sunrise, but at least a little brightness in an otherwise dark & dreary day.

Categories: mugs, process, production, stamps

Working to fill another soda kiln…and as usual, I’m starting with my favorite: MUGS!!!
Last night I threw the cylinders, tonight I stamped them. Hopefully I will get them
trimmed, handled and slip painted tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

Categories: process, production

Tonight I painted on the colored slip accents onto the latest batch of ornaments.
The colors will change as they are fired in the soda kiln atmosphere creating some
beautiful flashing effects. But first… they need to dry, and be bisque fired.

Categories: bike, sunrise

Dark. With the sunrise coming up later & later, my ride start is darker & darker.
Loud. You can definitely hear the waves crashing up on the shore.
Windy. Let’s just say the first half of the ride was great. And then I had to turn around.

I stopped down by Belmont Harbor for a few photos… and I loved seeing the waves crashing
into the corrugated retaining walls. Every so often, the waves would “explode” up & over
creating a wonderful splashing fountain effect. It’s all about timing… timing the photo
just right to catch the splash… and timing when riding so that you DON’T catch the splash!

Then, back up the path into the headwind, the sun finally made it over the horizon.
Windy?… yep, notice the direction of the leaves on the tree!


Categories: special events

Today is October 11, 2012… which numerically turns into 10 – 11 – 12.

And if you wait until 1:14 (and 15 seconds) it would be 10 – 11 – 12 – 13 – 14 – 15.
But that’s going too far, right???