Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: classes, lillstreet

The Summer Session at Lillstreet Art Center begins next week.
I will again be teaching Beginning & Advanced Beginning Wheelthrowing class
on Tuesday night… and there are only SIX openings left. Don’t get left out!!!

Stop in at Lillstreet Art Center or, even easier, register online – click here.

Categories: process, production, studio

Fans blowing & oscillating!!!
I finished as much as I could in the studio today. Fresh work has got to dry overnight
as they all go into another bisque kiln tomorrow!!! Thus, the fans…

Categories: blogs

Don’t forget that you can also follow my studio projects, process & inspirations
on Facebook. Just click on the link below to get to my pottery page… and then
click the “LIKE’ button to get updates.

Categories: holiday, studio

Which really just means that it’s another day to “labor” in the studio, right?
I figure it’s my last chance to make anything new and still get it in my soda kiln
next Saturday. That’s me… pushing it right up to the wire… make, make, make…

Categories: garden, nature

After a full summer of growing, my Obedient Plant has finally started to bloom.
I love how the flowers start at the bottom and work their way up in perfect sequence.
And how the little blossoms are lined up so perfectly in four vertical rows…
waiting their turn to pop open!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of Summer. Definitely lazy & hazy…
and crazy that it’s already Labor Day! Which means that Summer
is almost over… say it isn’t so!!!

Categories: kiln firing, process, production

I love unloading a new bisque kiln. Somehow I feel so much better having my
new work fired and “solid”… instead of fragile greenware. With so much potential…
just some glazing & some atmospheric firing to bring out their inner beauty!
I’ve got one more day to “squeeze in” some more wet work so they can get into my next
bisque kiln on Tuesday. Then it’s going to be some marathon glazing & wadding
so I can get it all loaded into my soda kiln this comeing Friday night.

Plus… some new sets of bowls that I’m pretty excited about. Remember when I did my last
class demo on bowls, and how to alter each on to make them unique?! Well, the split rim
& square off bowl seemed to get a good response… so I made a “few” of them!

Categories: studio

My friend Claire had recommended these new ice cream bars a few days ago.
She said they were the best ice cream bars ever… and she was right. They’re
called Magnum Bars… and they’re dipped in chocolate, and then caramel, and then
chocolate again!!! Crazy, right!? I worked really hard in the studio today and I
thought I deserved a treat. Plus, they were on sale at the store. How could I resist?
Just think of the miles I’ll need to ride tomorrow to work that one off!!! Yikes!

Categories: production, stamps, textures

With just one week until my next soda kiln, I am in the final stages of building new work.
Today I was focused on these new textured slab vases. They’re setting up overnight,
and tomorrow I’ll add some colored slip accents before setting them off to dry.


Categories: sunset

My next door neighbor Melanie sent me a picture of the sunrise she saw this morning
over Glen Lake, Michigan. Apparently, she was on the “other side” of gloomy!
Because this sunrise is stunning!!! And I’d rather be there…