It seems so long ago that I had my big “debut” on HGTV.
Three months to be exact. It was the same weekend of the Hinsdale Art Fair.
It was fun working the host in my studio. Meg and I had a good time playing
in the clay learning how to make the textured cabinet knobs that she would use
in the kitchen renovation. I just wish more of our footage would have made it
into the episode. Instead of the minute-forty-seconds that was my “edited” footage.
I’d really love to get my hands on those out-takes!!! Trust me, I was hysterical!!!

Anyway, a friend of mine found a very abridged online video version of the episode.
Click on the link and see “everything” in about 3 minutes.
Which includes about 6 seconds of me about a quarter of the way into the video.
Video link : Gary Jackson on HGTV Meg’s Great Rooms