Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: Taylor

Tonight we celebrated my Dad’s birthday with the family.
We all went to a steakhouse out in the suburbs… nothing too special.
The best part is that they give you the makings for s’mores on the way out.
And then you toast your own marshmallows in the fire pits outside the restaurant.
We’ve been there before… but this time, my adorable niece Taylor brought a great
new tool to help toast the perfect marshmallow. It’s a telescoping fishing pole-type
of tool that actually rotates the marshmallow when you crank the knob. Brilliant!!!

So while the rest of used the tiny little bamboo skewers they provided…
and toasted our fingers more than the marshmallows, Taylor had the right idea!!!

Categories: bowls, pottery, process, production, stamps

Bowl #1… a simple serving bowl, in desperate need for some surface decoration!

Bowl #2… a little lower, a little flatter and too plain to leave alone!

Categories: art fair, process, production

So I just looked at my calendar… and had a momentary panic
when I realized that “Art In The Barn” is just a week away.

Sure, I’ve got plenty of work from my latest soda kiln…
but I always think I need to make more. And I’ve got a couple days, right?!
So why not put the pedal to the metal and make some things quick!

Tonight I threw a LOT of pieces!!! Multi-tasking between stoneware & terra cotta.
Trying my best to not contaminate one or the other too much. I really thought
I needed to make more Halloween novelties in time for “Art In The Barn.”
But, I was pretty sure I can’t make enough to fil the entire electric kiln, so why not
make some more ovals as well? You know how I love making ovals…
almost as much as making mugs?!!!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Early. Dark. Chilly. Clouded. Potential… all of my favorites…
But let me just say, I’m totally looking forward to the time change when we Fall back!

With such sweeping clouds in the sky, I knew we were going to be in for a treat.

I really enjoyed how there were several dark clouds layered in front of the glowing orange sky.

As the sun continued to come up, the clouds began to brighten and spread across the sky.

And yet… the dark clouds were still hovering in front of the sunrise… nice contrast!!!

And then the sun finally made it and broke through… kinda of…
luckily, there was still a low layer of clouds that created a golden, glittery sunrise!

Categories: holiday, ornaments, process, production

It’s never too soon to start making new Christmas ornaments… right?!

Categories: bike, sunrise

After two days of incredible sunrises, I knew it would come to an end.
Not that this one wasn’t good… it just wasn’t quite up to par. I was hoping… and hoping…
but the dramatic clouds never quite lit up. They kind of just petered out into grayness.

Categories: inspiration, nature, photography, sunrise
Categories: bike, sunrise

As the sun came up, the clouds were all in the right place.

And somehow, I found myself back at my “favorite” lighthouse vantage point. I just love
the lines, the architecture, the geometry, and the silhouette contrast to a stunning sunrise!
And today was one of “those” sunrises that just kept getting better & better. One of those
that you just sit there and watch in amazement… taking more & more photographs!!!
And then, when you get home to download the images, you’re kind of shocked to see that
there are over a hundred pictures just from that one morning ride! Yikes. So I tried to edit
them down to just a few. It was tough. If you want to see even more, check out my Facebook
photo album from this morning. Click here – 9.12.12 sunrise bike ride.

Categories: bike, sunrise

As summer draws on, and Fall is right around the corner, the sunrise is getting later & later.
So these days, I’m still getting up early and riding, but the majority of the ride is in darkness.
Earlier & darker. Watching the sun come up, hoping to catch a sunrise at the end of my ride.

Categories: classes, lillstreet

So I was taking these cylinders upstairs to my studio after class tonight. Carrying more
than I should. Well, the wareboard hit a shelf somewhere along the way and the pots went
tumbling. They’re just clay, right. At least I have my priorities in the right place….
I saved the Mint Oreo’s!!!