Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: blogs

Okay, so I’m still finding FACEBOOK quite frustrating.
They’re still “limiting” the number of people that posts by small businesses
are sent out to. I know I have hundreds of followers, and yet for the posts
I sent out last night less than 50 people received them?! So if you aren’t
getting posts from your favorite businesses that you follow on Facebook,
go to their page to see what you’re missing. Word on the street says that if
you “like” or “comment” posts on business page more frequently, you’ll get
more of them on a regular basis. They want us to actually pay real money
to “promote” our posts and get them to ALL our followers!

So when you get a chance, tell Facebook to change their ways!!!

So don’t forget you can still follow me on Facebook…
but you might not get all of the posts even if you want them. But give it a try!
Click here for Fire When Ready Pottery on Facebook.


September 23rd, 2012

I got my numbers up again- but it’s kind of a game…

The time/ day of posting makes a difference- there are way more people on FB during business hours (you know what people are doing when they’re supposed to be working!). Weekends are the slowest time so if you post on a weekend night, that has the lowest possible number of visitors.

Be interactive (which you usually are!). FB likes it when you post links to sites that *are not* your own! So those usually get high numbers of views. And think about having things (like tips/tutorials) that people might be likely to “share” on their personal or business page. Posts that go viral like that definitely have the highest views.

Those are just some things I’ve noticed. Instead of being mad at FB, I’ve decided to treat it like my blog and make a game out of ‘search engine optimization’ but it’s ‘facebook business page optimization’ instead.

September 24th, 2012

Emily, those sound like some good tips. You are obviously much better at this than I could even pretend to be. The trick I guess is how to balance all that work with studio work.
It seems a bit ridiculous that a small business should have to go through all that just to reach people to begin with though.

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