Categories: lillstreet, summer camp
It’s another week of summer camp… another round of “Fire, Forge & Feast.”
This is the first summer that we’ve offered two sessions of this summer camp.
It’s fun to have another batch of kids making their clay dinnerware sets.
Yesterday & today they came up with their themes, then made ceramic plates,
bowls, cups and handles out of terra cotta. We finished today with each of them
painting their work with Lillstreet‘s new underglaze/glaze combo!
Some of our themes this week?… “Alice In Wonderland,” zombies, flowers, “Harry Potter,”
Alaska, trees, Switzerland, “Doctor Who,” video games, and… my “least” favorite?…
mathematics! Yes, one of them is actually basing his entire set on mathematics!
I’m an artist… I don’t do math!
Two fisted glazing, I’m impressed!