Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: lillstreet, summer camp

Today my summer camp kids finished their clay projects.
Tomorrow we move into the Metals Room for more fun.
It’s FIRE, FORGE & FEAST… and the kids are making clay dinnerware sets
with metal forks, knives & spoons! Friday is a big potluck!

So first they handbuilt their plates, bowls, cups & handles in terra cotta. With everything
fitting in with their creative themes. Everything is three-dimensional, sculptural & whimsical.
Once the pieces were all assembled, we had to paint them with underglazes for the colors.

But of course, no “Fire, Forge & Feast” class would be complete without the annual
“Chocolate Chip Cookie Bake-Off” that we enjoy each year… when the kids come up with
the idea “all by themselves.” Okay, so there may have been a little suggestion.. maybe
a few hints…
Either way, the kid are home tonight baking their best chocolate chip cookies
to share tomorrow. They’ll all vote for their favorite… and the winner will get the “trophy”
plate that I made for them! So they’re bringing the cookies and I’m bringing the milk!!!

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