Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: mugs, process, production, stamps

Tonight I stamped…and stamped… and stamped some more!
With twenty-four mug cylinders to stamp,  I started stamping and thought you might
like to see some them… side by side! Along with the stamp that did all the hard work!!!

Next up?… trimming, handles and some colored flashing slips.
Looks like tomorrow might need to be another productive day?!!!



April 12th, 2012

I just love your work. I had created stamps to use on hand built works, but had never realized I could stamp thrown work too. I have been building and throwing on and off for the last 4 years. You have inspired me to take my pottery to a new level and to create new, smaller stamps.

Can you give a little explanation on how to stamp the pottery. I am assuming it is leather hard, is it more soft or more dry when you stamp? Do you use your hand to support the back or a sponge?

What I really would love to do is take part in one of your teaching sessions at Lillstreet, but I can’t do that until I move back up to Chicago.

Donna Becker

April 12th, 2012

It’s just so neat to “watch” how you develop all these wonderful projects. Fun!

April 12th, 2012

LIS – So glad I could actually “inspire” someone to play more with their stamps!!! They’re just tools. And they can be pressed into clay of any shape & form. I do most of my stamping when they are on the wetter side of leather-hard, but not sticky or squishy. If your pots get too dry you won’t get a good, clean, deep impression – more like scratchy marks on the surface. As for inside, I use my fingers for support against the stamp as it’s being pressed in. When I first started stamping, I really hated the inside finger impressions – and would actually sit there and try to blend them back in!!! Now I “embrace” the indents as part of the process and even try to accentuate them sometimes for a better inside-outside design. As for Lillstreet classes… we’d love to have you! I teach every Tuesday night… now you just need to move!!!

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