Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bike, rusty

1. Bicycles      2. Rusty Metal      3. Roadkill
And when all three of them come together… watch out!!!

A sad sight this morning on one of the breakwater piers… glad that’s not my bike!!!
I’m intrigued by the two, yes, count them two… Kryptonite locks. Neither of which worked?!!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Very quiet. Very chilly. Very orange… and another perfect sunrise for Flat Stanley!

And a little further down the path, Stanley got his first glance of the Big City…

Categories: process, production

Ovals done & drying. Only a few days left to make things for my upcoming soda kiln.
I need to check my calendar & work backwards from my loading date
to determine what else I can still make, trim, dry, bisque & glaze in time!

Categories: process, production, stamps

After finishing the slab vases with some colored slip accents,
it was time to make another “batch” of something. I was feeling a little less than inspired,
so I decided to make one of my favorites. No, not mugs… but ovals.

This time they’re slightly smaller – not so much a casserole, but more of a bud vase or
tchotchke keeper! I was pretty pleased with today’s “production” mode. Throwing them all,
stamping them all and ovaling them all in one afternoon! Okay, so I “pushed it” a bit.
The ovals were a little wetter than I would like them to be… in fact, I had one casualty while
stamping when the clay was to wet, stuck to the stamp & wouldn’t release! It ripped instead!

They’re wrapped up overnight and tomorrow I’ll add the bottoms, as well as some
colored slip accents! Finish these off… and then it’s another batch of… something?!

Categories: process, production, stamps, Taylor, textures

With my next soda kiln less than two weeks away, it’s time to start making some of the taller
pieces that will go on the top shelves… and follow the curve of the roof quite nicely. These
large slab vases are a lot of fun to make with different textures on each side of each vase.

Now that they’re all stamped and ready to start drying, I just need to add some colored
slip details on them. Good thing Flat Stanley stopped by to help!

Yep, my first grade niece Taylor read one of the “Flat Stanley” books and is now watching
Stanley travel around. I received Flat Stanley in the mail yesterday and have about a week
to capture his travels and exploits around the city. I thought it only fitting that Flat Stanley’s
first stop would have to be the studio where Taylor loves to play in the mud!
Apparently Flat Stanley like to play in the mud too!


Categories: holiday, inspiration

And nobody likes ‘eh’… enough said!

Categories: bike, sunrise

With some heavy clouds & rain rolling through the Chicago area, I expected to wake up to
rain this morning. I was pleased to see it was dry out AND there were cool clouds in the sky.
Great potential for a beautiful sunrise!!!

And the sunrise potential was fulfilled. Even if it was just for a few minutes
before the sun went up and quickly back again behind the clouds!

Categories: creativity

I don’t get it. I never have. And never will.
I would like to be able to solve the Rubik’s Cube… but I can’t. I’ve tried.
So when I saw this craziness online… I was impressed & scared all at the same time!

Impressive… but I kinda wonder what kind of social life this guy has?!
And more importantly, how he’s going to get it out of that room?!

Categories: classes, process, production, stamps, textures

So tonight while I was in the studio, I checked the bowls we threw last night
during my Beginning Wheel class demo. They were protected under plastic
and drying slowly. Luckily, with a little patience, they were ready to stamp a
few details into a couple of them. If you want to compare them to the original,
check the blog post from yesterday… you’ll the difference a little stamping can do!!!

Bowl #2 – Flangedand now stamped!

Bowl #3 – Flanged, Fluted & Floppedand now stamped!

Bowl #4 – Wide Flangeand now stamped!

Bowl #6 – Divided, Pinched, Squaredand now stamped!
Once this one gets trimmed, I’m also planning on adding some little “balls” on top
of the four pinch points. I’m not really a fan of the “pinch marks.” So I think they’ll
need some “creative camouflage.”

Categories: nature, studio

After gracing the table during class tonight, this vase of red roses has made its way
back to my studio. No one claimed them?… I had offered them up as a prize to the
person who made the best bowl tonight. A little incentive to push it a little further,
give it a little design, make their coolest bowl ever. But somehow… I think we all got
too focused, and somehow sidetracked, and before we knew it, everyone had cleaned up
and class was over. And the roses were still there…