Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: artists, friends, My Talented Friends

Welcome to Chadwick’s World!
And what a crazy little world it is… all inside Martin’s head!                         And I love it!!!

So tonight was a beautiful opening reception for Martin Chadwick.  An amazingly
talented friend of mine who has work showing in Chicago for the next two months!
In the front lobby of The Belmont – located at 3170 North Sheridan at Belmont, Chicago.
If you have a chance to go, it’s on the southwest corner of Belmont & Sheridan. I went with
my friend Pam JH who knows Martin, but had never seen his work other than on his
website. It was fun to see the awe & amazement in her eyes as she saw them in person!

I met Martin several years ago when he started taking my pottery class with his wife Christi.
You could tell right away that he had more talents than he was showing on the wheel. After
getting to know him better, I found out that he was working as an architectural  model maker.
Then, I found out he was also an incredible painter – a hidden talent. So I posted it here on
my blog awhile back. But after tonight’s art showing, I knew I had to show him off again!
So welcome to Chadwick’s Worldfasten your seat belts, it’s going to be a bumpy ride…

The next pen & ink drawing was Pam’s favorite in the show…

His pen & ink drawings are incredible. Such detail, such depth, all done with a fine
tip ink pen. When you see the detail, it’s hard to image how fine that pen stylus must be?!
Crazy when you see the textures, the details and the shading! Closeups from above…

And then you switch to his paintings… just stunning!!!
This first one was in his living room when I first found out that he was a painter. It was
partially done, siting on an easel, with paints & palettes all around. So great to see it all
done now and hanging on a gallery wall. Love the colors. The details. The whimsy.
Seriously… you really need to see them in person to really get close!

This next one is his ode to America… as seen through his English eyes!
Combining “all things American” into his American homage.

Then we move on to Lewis Carroll’s house. A beautiful British home… possibly where he
wrote the classic “Alice In Wonderland.” And you can see why… we have Alice entering
through the gate, with chess piece topiaries, flamingoes on the sidewalk, and a brick wall
morphing into a rolling script of text. Below you see other Alice references… the Mad Hatter,
the Cheshire Cat, the Queen of Hearts and so much more. The longer you stand there and
look at it, the more you’ll see. His paintings literally draw you into the crazy world he’s
creating on the canvas!

This one is his newest piece… and my personal favorite!!!
I love the simplicity. The balance. The colors. And somehow it took me right back
to third grade when we sat there in school watching the classic “The Red Balloon.”
A favorite short film by Albert Lamorisse about a small school boy who befriends
a red balloon and their touching adventures that follow. Very touching. Still a favorite.
And somehow this painting took me right back.

For more about Martin Chadwick… and a free ticket into Chadwick’s World….
click on his website in my LINKS section to the right.

Plus, click here for more about my favorite 3rd Grade movie – “The Red Balloon.”


April 13th, 2012

Hi Gary,

Thank’s for coming last night it was great to see you and Pam. And a big thank you for the FANTASTIC review. I’m so very touched.

Cheers Mate

April 14th, 2012

You are more than welcome Martin. I’m all about supporting, encouraging & promoting my talented friends. And your talent continues to amaze me. You deserve all the credit & praise you get from this show… and many more to come. Congratulations you talented freak!!!

Naomi Dickinson

April 14th, 2012

Hi Gary! I’ve known Martin since we were 18, sadly I don’t see him too often now having the Atlantic Ocean between us! He’s always been incredibly talented, but very quietly, if you know what I mean. The older we get the more open about his talent he is becoming. I was only thinking about Martin last week on my 50th birthday. I was walking across Hungerford Bridge over the Thames facing Charing Cross station. I was telling my children and husband about the amazing model Martin made of Charing Cross when it was being refurbished probably in the late 80’s. Please wish Martin lots of luck with the exhibition, sadly I’m too far away to see it in person and send lots of love, Naomi

April 14th, 2012

HEY NAOMI – Well, I’m pretty glad he’s on THIS side of “the pond.” And I agree, he’s awfully quiet about his insane talents. It took me a couple years before I even knew he painted at all?! And look at him now… splashed all across my blog & Facebook for everyone to see!!! I will definitely pass your message onto Martin. I’m sure he’ll be thrilled to hear from you!

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