Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: cirque du soleil

You know I’m addicted. You know I can’t get enough.
So when I heard they were coming back to town… I had to go!!!

So tonight was another night if fun with Cirque du Soleil.
Okay, so there wasn’t a tent. No Grand Chapiteau this time around.
Instead, it was a “repeat” of the show “Quidam” that first made its debut over a decade ago!
This time, a slightly smaller production, in a smaller venue and smaller cast. I think it’s one
of Cirque du Soleil’s latest marketing strategies. Bring back some of the older shows to
smaller “stadium” venues for a new audience. Same show, reinterpreted for a new space.

Not quite as impressive as “the real show” under the Big Top. But still a lot of fun!!!
For those who have never seen the show before, I’m sure they loved it. But to a true
Cirque du Soleil “snob” like myself, I could tell there were things missing. Some of the songs
were truncated. Some of the lyrics were missing. There seemed to be more “transition” and
less “spectacle.” And sadly, the main character clown was sadly unimpressive. No energy.

Even still… a less than stellar show is still great fun with Cirque du Soleil.
Like I said… I’m a Cirque snob…. I know it… I’m kind of a groupie.
And even more excited that up next is Cirque du Soleil’s newest production…
Michael Jackson’s “The Immortal Tour” coming to Chicago this summer!
Gotta get tickets right away!!!

Until then, I had my fix… I’m feelin’ better now…

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