While packing up more pots in the studio to re-stock my Home Show shelves tonight,
I found a large platter waiting to be trimmed. All stamped. Wrapped in plastic.
Just waiting. And waiting. Yes, I had completely forgotten about the platter –
a class demo piece from several weeks ago! No kidding… at least four for five weeks!
I guess I have been “a little busy” and totally spaced it out. Luckily, I used good plastic…
and could still trim a foot ring. Glad I found it when I did.
This morning was cloudy, chilly and gray… drab.
Nothing too exciting. Until there was a slight blush of pink in the clouds.
Very slight. Very quick. But then… back to gray again minutes later!
And by the time I got home, I had totally frozen fingertips!
Looks like it might be time to break out some new biking gloves, huh?
After almost a year of “neglect,” I finally got around to filling in the gaps of my basement
window tile piece this morning. A few tiles had gone “missing” from the weather, school kids
or some neighborhood ne’er-do-wells… whatever. They are all now zip-tied back in place.
Window full once again.
Finally… a morning to get out on my bike with my camera…
Without a “glitter gig” project getting in the way of my morning fun!
No Zoo to decorate in Lincoln Park.
No credit card headquarters to decorate in Northbrook.
No millionaire’s mansion to decorate in Wilmette.
No decorating at a collegiate holiday gala for St. Vincent.
No decorating on the Pier originally used for the Navy.
No Mercy to be decorated for the Boys & Girls!
And wouldn’t you know it… no sunrise this morning!
Just gray, chilly clouds all over the lakefront.
It kind feels like snow may finally be coming our way?!
Well, for one weekend anyway.
Incredible glass artist Amy Lemaire returned to her Lillstreet roots for a Trunk Show,
workshop and slide presentation today. Amy used to have her studio at Lillstreet and taught
glass bead making classes. In fact, I took my one-and-only glass bead making class with Amy
as my teacher. Amy left Lillstreet to go to grad school, and now lives in Lousiville. Her work
has always been spectacular… and it was so great to see her newest pieces in the gallery.
Of course, many of her pieces are large, stunning masterpieces that I could never pull off.
But I did get a couple smaller beads that I think I can wear as a single pendant. The first two
were in the gallery show, and the third was a “trade” with Amy after her slide show!
It was great to see Amy again – even if it was just for a very brief visit.
Again… so nice to have “talented friends.”
Last night I stopped by the “Ceramics Showcase” at McGaw YMCA in Evanston.
A couple of “My Talented Friends” were showing there, so I wanted to swing by before
heading back to Lillstreet for our annual Holiday Opening Party. All of the work in the
Showcase was quite nice, but of course, I’m just a little partial to my friends Cory McCrory,
Roberta Polfus & Delores Fortuna! So I just “had to” add to my collection…
First a couple new things from Cory. An adorable red hat kid which is actually a jar.
The hat comes off to reveal a bright orange interior! And you know how I love orange!
Speaking of orange… I also got another mug from Cory while I was there. I’ve always been
drawn to her sense of color & whimsy. Plus the textures & patterns ain’t too shabby either!
And then, as if I don’t already have too many ornaments on my Christmas tree, I needed to
get another one from Cory. The white bird will get added tot he tree. The black bird will
take up year-round residence elsewhere! You’ll need to come find it!
And another textured, porcelain vessel by Roberta. Such fine detail and carving! Love it.
And a groovy plate by Delores! Great pattern & design… plus a really cool “lip” or rim
of the late that curls over slightly. To help get all of those peas onto your fork!
It was another busy night of art. This Ceramics Showcase and the Lillstreet Holiday Opening.
Of you have a chance, stop by either one, or both, today or tomorrow!
Ceramics Showcase is at the McGaw YMCA at 1000 Grove Street, Evanston, Illinois
Lillstreet Art Center is at 4401 North Ravenswood (at Montrose), Chicago, Illinois
Tonight I played with my friend Nancy at the opening of the “One Of A Kind Show”
in Chicago! The fun continues through the weekend at the Merchandise Mart.
Great art & great friends. Stop by and say hello to some of “My Talented Friends”…
Sarah Chapman – metalsmith – booth 2118
Karla Wheeler – metalsmith – booth 3077
Brad Pogatetz – photography – booth 1104
Melissa Banks – chain maille – booth 2107
Rebecca Zemans – metalsmith – booth 7087
Rebeca Mojica – chain maille – booth 3030A
Dobrila Pintar – glass beads – booth 6EP
Plus, a few other “new favorites” that you need to check out while you’re there!
Jim & Victoria Mullen – mixed media bird sculptures – booth 5095
Vintage Sculpture – found object sculptures – booth 3056C
Joe Christensen Pottery – large stoneware vessels – booth 5113
Anne Gary – crystaline porcelain pottery – booth 1068
Kevin Lahvic – whimsical paintings – booth 1086
Timber Green Woods – modern woodwork – booth 2110
A lot of beautiful work. Plan on spending a good bit of time browsing!