Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair, artists

Tonight I played with my friend Nancy at the opening of the “One Of A Kind Show”
in Chicago! The fun continues through the weekend at the Merchandise Mart.
Great art & great friends. Stop by and say hello to some of “My Talented Friends”…

Sarah Chapman – metalsmith – booth 2118
Karla Wheeler – metalsmith – booth 3077
Brad Pogatetz – photography – booth 1104
Melissa Banks – chain maille – booth 2107
Rebecca Zemans – metalsmith – booth 7087
Rebeca Mojica – chain maille – booth 3030A
Dobrila Pintar – glass beads – booth 6EP

Plus, a few other “new favorites” that you need to check out while you’re there!

Jim & Victoria Mullen – mixed media bird sculptures – booth 5095
Vintage Sculpture – found object sculptures – booth 3056C
Joe Christensen Pottery – large stoneware vessels – booth 5113
Anne Gary – crystaline porcelain pottery – booth 1068
Kevin Lahvic – whimsical paintings – booth 1086
Timber Green Woods – modern woodwork – booth 2110

A lot of beautiful work. Plan on spending a good bit of time browsing!

1 Comment


December 2nd, 2011

Thanks for that “illustration” answer, Gary.
I am proud to say I own pieces by both Gary Jackson and Anne Gary!

I like the sculptures of Jim Mullan, some of them are kind of steampunkish; others remind me of the work of Geoffrey Gorman.
I have also seen the work of Joe Christensen ( only on the ‘net , though).
I forget how I came across him, but when I went to his site to look today, I had a deja vu!
Last time I looked at his site, he had a picture of forty two of his large pots crated up to go to China, of all places. Now THAT’s a sale!
And Timber Green were just featured on Etsy a few weeks ago, where they confessed admiration For Malcom Davis.
Well, have fun; I used to work in the Mart, but haven’t been in there in fifteen years or so. Someday I shall return.

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