So this morning Amy and I set out to run some errands about town… and I
use that term loosely, town. While Amy was at the dentist first thing in the morning,
I had a chance to go for a quick hike in the woods. And it was a great start to the day.
You know how I love to start my day with some beautiful nature! So Amy dropped me off
at this bridge which also serves as the trail head. I got to hike… she got to swish & spit.
I definitely got the better part of the deal…
Then we got back on track, and head off to the hardware store, Wal-Mart and more getting
some last minute supplies… like more s’more fixins’!!! After the errands, it was time for
Amy and I to figure out were the tents were going to go. And then we started to set up
our tents before Sarah & Wendi got there. Once we had a plan, we both got started.
Of course I had to tackle my over-loaded car… slowly so nothing fell out…
And with our signs all ready, we were hoping to get people either coming or going…
we’ll place them along the highway tomorrow, hoping to pull in the tourists!!
Once I had my booth all set and ready to go for the night, Sarah and Wendi arrived
and we helped get them set up. My parents showed up as well since they were planning
on spending the weekend in the Northwoods doing the “official” tour and doing some
undercover espionage & marketing for us along the way! Unfortunately, Kathy Furda
of Northern Light Glass was not able to join us for ART DETOUR. She had some last minute
family health issues to tend to, but her beautiful glass work will be with us all weekend.
So even though Kathy may not be making s’mores with us this weekend, you can still see
her beautiful work while we’re at Pigeon Road Pottery.