Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: lillstreet, summer camp

So the kids have been very focused this week…
with their themes in place and the terra cotta quickly forming into chess pieces!
It’s been an assembly line of pawns, and then a lot of scoring & slipping along the way!
Some of the themes this time around include…
* Land Animals vs. Water Animals
* Plants vs. Zombies… apparently a hugely popular app with the kids?!
* Health Food vs. Junk Food… matching chess sets by my two overachievers!
* Star Wars
* Soda Pop vs. Fruit Juices
* Plates vs. Bowls… which I don’t really get, but he’s VERY into it?!!!
* Forks vs. Spoons… again, what’s with the utensils???
* Tofu vs. Meat

Too bad that not all of my overachieving kids “understood” that the slip should go on their
pieces, not their hands! At least they’re following my #1 Summer Camp Rule… Have Fun!

Along the way, in between making their pieces, the kids also started to paint their
chess boards today. With colors & thematic elements to coordinate with their chess sets.

After lunch, the kids who have finished making all of their pieces started painting their
chess pieces with colorful underglazes. This is always fun because it’s when all of their
hard work really comes to life! And the chess piece personalities really begin to pop!

And with kids this adorable… how could you NOT love Summer Camp?!!! They have been
too funny! Great attitudes, funny stories, good karaoke, bad jokes… all WONDERFUL FUN!!!

1 Comment

TuanKhanh Lee

February 29th, 2012


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