Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: nature, photography
Categories: bike, Chicago

Like the classic song from the 70’s band “Chicago”…
It was indeed a wonderful “Saturday In The Park”…
and “I’ve been waiting such a long time… for Saturday”… and for Spring!!!

Today has been beautiful with the sun trying to make its way out all day.
It finally came out, and I just “had to” go out for a bike ride. Surprising, huh?!
And to take a few moments to enjoy the sun, the lakefront and some of the art along the lake..
like this bronze sculpture near Belmont Harbor named “Signal Of Peace.”

Categories: process, production, stamps

My answer is NO.
I love making small pieces that fit into all of the other pieces in the kiln.
Tumble stacked, piled together, nested, whatever it takes… a full kiln is a happy kiln!
I hate firing a kiln that is not well-packed. I feel like I’ve wasted space if it’s not full.
So the latest set of small bowls were intended to be “filler.” But then tonight I decided
to make even more! And even smaller! This time… I made a full batch of miniature vases!

So I threw them all “off-the-hump” and let them sit for a few minutes.
Then I back-tracked and started stamping the first ones as they were already getting stiff.
So now there’s even more to trim!… and even more to pack into my next bisque!!!

Categories: process, production, stamps

Yesterday I threw bowls. Today they were ready to stamp. So I did…

Now they just need to be trimmed…
and then they can all go into the bisque kiln early next week! One step closer…