Like the classic song from the 70’s band “Chicago”…
It was indeed a wonderful “Saturday In The Park”…
and “I’ve been waiting such a long time… for Saturday”… and for Spring!!!
Today has been beautiful with the sun trying to make its way out all day.
It finally came out, and I just “had to” go out for a bike ride. Surprising, huh?!
And to take a few moments to enjoy the sun, the lakefront and some of the art along the lake..
like this bronze sculpture near Belmont Harbor named “Signal Of Peace.”
My answer is NO.
I love making small pieces that fit into all of the other pieces in the kiln.
Tumble stacked, piled together, nested, whatever it takes… a full kiln is a happy kiln!
I hate firing a kiln that is not well-packed. I feel like I’ve wasted space if it’s not full.
So the latest set of small bowls were intended to be “filler.” But then tonight I decided
to make even more! And even smaller! This time… I made a full batch of miniature vases!
So I threw them all “off-the-hump” and let them sit for a few minutes.
Then I back-tracked and started stamping the first ones as they were already getting stiff.
So now there’s even more to trim!… and even more to pack into my next bisque!!!