I’ve been planning in doing this forever… good intentions… but something else
always seems to come up. Until tonight. I finally got to it.
One of the best ways to get some good color in the soda kiln is with special slips
designed to “flash” in the soda kiln atmosphere. And it seems like I always fall back
onto my “favorites” that I use all the time. But when you look in my studio, I have
quite an assortment of slips. Many of them thanks to Emily Murphy who bequeathed
her “stash o’slips” to me when she packed up her studio and moved to Minneapolis.
So my plans has been to make test tiles for all of the slips… using one of my own
textures and firing them in one of my kilns. So I finally loaded them in tonight up on
the top shelf. I’m hoping to get some dramatic flashing results that demonstrate how the
slip reacts. My fingers are crossed… and I’m glad that my plan finally came together!
Can’t wait to see the results. I had a few pieces with a flashing slip in my recent wood firing, but was somewhat disappointed with the results so I’ll need to continue my testing.
Good luck