After weeks of working in the studio, it was finally time to load a bisque kiln.
It’s always tough to determine how much will fit in the kiln. How many will stack?
How much will nest inside another. What will squeeze onto each layer? And so,
tonight I tackled the three-dimensional puzzle of stacking the kiln effectively.
You now how I hate to leave unused kiln space!!! It drives me crazy…
Layer One: flower pots, mini vases & more ornaments!
Layer Two: bowls, utensil crocks, mini vases & tripods!
Layer Three: bowls, berry bowls, utensil crocks and more tripods!
Layer Four: berry bowls, bowls… and some last minute stamps I made tonight!
And sadly, I didn’t do so good estimating this time. And there’s a little space left open
on the top layer of this kiln. I left a phone message with my potter friend Karen Patinkin
to see if she wanted to fill it in. The kiln turns on tomorrow morning… still waiting…