Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: pottery, production, studio, television

Yesterday, my studio “neighbor” Karen Patinkin asked if I would be
interested in splitting a cone 10 reduction kiln with her. Of course I said yes.
Unfortunately, I’ve been focused on my next soda kiln… and not cone 10.
So I asked her when she would like to fire and when I would need to have
my pieces ready to go. She mentioned two weeks!!! Yikes.

I’m always up for a challenge. So I started the production process today with
several hours of quality studio time. I used about 75 pounds of clay making some
of the “standards” I know I’ll need for the upcoming art fair season. Mugs, bowls,
soap dispensers, tiles and more! So I’m thinking that tomorrow I’ll be faced with
a LOT of stamping!!!

And if a day of throwing weren’t enjoyable enough… tonight was also
the PBS broadcast of the “Les Miserables” 25th Anniversary Concert!
So I got to play in the clay and hang out with all of my favorites… Eponine, Fantine,
Cosette, Jean Valjean and Javaert.
The concert was great… even if it was on my
small, dusty & splattered studio TV! Didn’t matter… still completely enthralling!

And now that I’m home for the evening, how “convenient” that the second broadcasting
of “Les Miz” is currently playing on my larger & much cleaner living room TV.
It’s all so much bigger, brighter and more beautiful on a better TV. Looks like I may
be staying up a little longer than expected this evening. Shucks!

Categories: holiday, production

Tonight I finished making the first batch of Christmas ornaments.
Finished stamping, trimming, adding tops and some slip painted accents!
Now they’re setting out overnight to dry… then to the bisque!

Coming soon, another batch… probably with B-Clay. I’ve found that the B-Clay
ornaments make perfect filler in the back stack of the soda kiln. With less soda
exposure, the B-Clay still flashes well and soaks up everything it needs!

Categories: nature, seasons

As I was leaving for the studio this afternoon, I noticed that my
poinsettia on the stair landing is blooming. Finally…
And this is the poinsettia that I’ve kept living for two years now.
It vacations outdoors in the back courtyard all summer and gets very green
& lush. Then I bring it in for the winter where is suffers and losses a lot of leaves.
My main goal is typically just to keep it alive through the cold Chicago winter months.
This winter it must be extra happy for some reason?

Categories: special events

Around the country, PBS stations are airing a lot of quality programming…
And this Sunday is no exception! Coming soon to a PBS station near you…
The concert version of the 25th Anniversary of “Les Miserables.”
And as you know by now, this is my all-time favorite musical!

Filmed in London in December 2010, the concert was made to celebrate and
commemorate the 25th Anniversary of this wonderful musical. And if it’s
anything like the 10th Anniversary Concert… you’re going to love it. I have the
DVD of the 10th Anniversary & have watched it countless times at the studio!!!
While it’s not the entire theatrical performance or experience, it is an incredible
event that was celebrated at the 02 Arena in London and broadcast live in theaters
around the world. Or so they say… I never heard about it.

There is no set, and no choreography, but the actors will be in costume, and
in character, singing the most wonderful soundtrack ever. According to the reviews,
it sounds like a wonderful show. Possibly with the exception of choosing Nick Jonas
to play the role of “Marius”?
At least we have musical legend, and former Miss Saigon,
Lea Salonga as “Fantine” to counter-balance one of the Jonah Brothers!

So check your local listings for a PBS station near you. You’ll love it.
In Chicago, the “Les Miz” concert will air this Sunday, March 6th at 6:00pm
and 10:00pm. Yes, that’s a 4-hour time-slot… which presumably means a lot
of fundraising breaks along the way!

Categories: artists, friends, inspiration, pottery, process, textures

With last night’s surface decoration demonstrations…
including some techniques from my friend & potter Amy Higgason

I was surprised with the HUGE coincidence of her posting some pictures
of her own work that she had done in her own studio up in Northern
Wisconsin that same day. So while we were “channeling” the carving style
of Amy Higgason, she was actually doing it too! And much better!!!

Here are some photos of the incredible platter she was working on…
See… THIS is how it’s supposed to be done!!! Stunning as always!!!

Check out more of Amy’s incredible work on her website or Facebook.
Search for Amy at Pigeon Road Pottery.

Categories: classes, friends, lillstreet, stamps, textures

Last night in class, in between the sweets, we talked about surface decoration
and how my students can turn their own “plain” pots into very special pots!!!
We talked about trying a bunch of techniques, finding the one they love the
most – and then exploiting i doing as much as they can with it. So during class,
I started each of the demo bowls, but quickly found out there was not going to be
enough time to finish the bowls during class. So I finished them tonight in the
studio. And now they’re drying overnight. Tomorrow I’ll clean them up a bit,
and brush off all of the little burrs & crumbles on the pots!

First I did a quick demo on basic stamping… my favorite which they expected…

And then we talked more about slip and how you can put it on with a more
“painterly” technique. So I put on a layer of white slip, and then did some freehand
swirls with green slip. I hope my students liked it… when I came back to it tonight
I realized that I didn’t like it all that much. So I carved through it tonight.
Still not sure if I like it any better than just the slip?! We’ll see…

Then we moved on to carving, and we discussed the work of my friend Amy Higgason.
She stopped by last session for a class demo, and some of my students were there for
that. Unfortunately, Amy wasn’t in town last night – so I had to do my best to attempt
to carve the pot… in something slightly similar to Amy’s beautiful style. One of Amy’s
“disciples” from her demo last session was there as well… and Pam was excited to show
my class one of her pieces that she was currently carving ala Amy Higgason!!!

The next bowl was carved again.. and then we added sprigs. Another Amy trick!
Amy does this incredible work, and I hope she doesn’t mind that I tried to emulate
her style for the benefit of my class. I know they LOVED seeing the demo again!
Plus, one of my concave stamps worked perfectly as a sprig mold.

One more bowl… what to do?… what to do?…
So the last bowl is surprisingly plain & smooth on the outside… let’s work inside!

So I covered the inside of the bowl I covered with a layer of black slip. And then began
a discussion of sgraffito with my class. I started to carve through, but only did a couple
swipes – before I realized that I needed to focus a bit more on my own… and my students
needed to get back to their own bowl making!!!

Categories: classes, lillstreet

Tonight was another class for my Beginning Wheelthrowing class.
And over the past couple weeks, we’ve had quite the sweet treats in class
thanks to my “pastry chef” students. But tonight… a couple “layman” bakers
stepped up for the “sweet treat” challenge… and succeeded!!!

Ted decided to cook for us – and shocked everyone with an odd concoction
of saltine crackers, butter, sugar and chocolate chips! Melted, layered, baked,
then chocolate spread over the base. SURPRISINGLY INCREDIBLE!!!
Sweet & savory… sugar & salt… yummy & more yummy!!!

Then, as if that weren’t enough… one of my former students decided to bring in
some homemade cookies for us. Pam has since moved on from my class and up
to an Intermediate Class. But I think she misses us, and I know we miss her!
So for the past few weeks Pam has been “joining” our class, chatting it up,
and helping teach my class. She’s become a great teacher’s assistant! And an even
better “assistant” when she brings cookies! It was a great mix of oatmeal cookies,
with chocolate chunks, toffee chips and dried cherries! WONDERFUL!!!