Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: movie

With so much hype about “Social Network” and its Best Picture nomination,
I decided to rent the “other” Facebook movie from Netflix. And just watched it.

It is a documentary film that was a big hit at the Sundance Film Festival.
You might remember that I already have some “issues” with Facebook and the whole
social-networking thing. How people share information, reveal themselves & how so
much information can be found on the Internet with just a few clicks. Still not a fan.

I had only heard small snippets about this documentary film. It is definitely a film
you should go into not knowing anything about. So I won’t tell you either.
But I will tell you it deals with relationships on Facebook, the people you “friend”
and where it can go from there. Enough said.

Two thumbs up… you’ll be part of their adventure faster than you’d think.
The main character is very endearing and you want to see where this takes him.
With his brother & friend as his camera crew, you follow his journey very personally.
And I guarantee it will not be where you expect… a documentary with a twist!!!
And I would definitely suggest it for anyone who has teenage kids on Facebook
who might be sharing too much, posting too many pictures and “friending” too
many people without knowing them!

Categories: seasons

Beautiful frozen stalactites on my back porch… beautiful, yes…
but try navigating the frozen puddle that forms below this every winter?!!!

Categories: blogs

I’m still talking and I hope you’re still reading?!
Eight hundred blog posts… and still going strong!

Categories: Chicago, seasons

The snow & wind continued through the night. And it was exciting to get outside
today to see what happened overnight. A lot of drifting snow… that’s what!

The streets were covered with snow drifts that covered many of the cars. And then
the snowplows had come through and piled even more up against the sides. Nice, huh?
There were cars everywhere enveloped in a shroud of beautiful white snow.

But then the shoveling began. I tackled my own car with enthusiasm & vigor… and luckily,
my neighbors Mia & Melanie were right there willing to help. We shoveled out enough
to get into the car, start it up, and then I continued to shovel more out. By the time I
finished mine, I felt victorious as the first in a long line of shoveling to come!

Some people have said that I can be a little obsessive-compulsive…
who knew it would show up in my shoveling projects as well? But it did.
And I now have the cleanest and most well-shoveled little parking space on the street!
That is at least until the plow comes by again or the wind kicks back in?! And now
that I’ve shoveled it all out, I’m actually considering the age-old Chicago “trick”
of blocking the space when I pull out with a lawn chair or something else to claim it
for myself. I’ve never done it before – with a storm like this, it might be worth it?!

It was great to see so many of my neighbors out this afternoon working together
and shoveling out anyone who needed help. And after I finished shoveling, it was
still quite beautiful around the neighborhood. Including my now snow-covered,
ceramic Captain America PEZ Dispenser in the back courtyard!

Categories: seasons
Categories: classes, lillstreet

For my pottery students who may be wondering, Lillstreet Art Center has officially
canceled all classes for Wednesday & Thursday. The building will however be open
with limited open-studio hours. I would call them before you trudge over there.
I hear that Ravenswood is still not plowed?!

I hope you’re all staying warm, enjoying the snow… and dreaming of playing in the mud!

Categories: Chicago, seasons

So while I was snowed in at home… making s’mores in my fireplace…
look what was going on just a few blocks away over on Lake Shore Drive!!!

For those who don’t know, Lake Shore Drive parallels the lake shore through
the Chicago area. It’s a major thoroughfare for everyone traveling north or south.
Well, apparently the city was hoping that people would make it home before the
“big” storm hit. And they didn’t close Lake Shore Drive quite fast enough. With the
storm & winds blowing in from the lake and drifting right across Lake Shore Drive,
all it took was a couple accidents and the entire expressway became a parking lot –
and major headline news across the country! Hundreds of cars were stuck in the snow,
people trapped in their cars & buses for several houts before being evacuated by the police.
Well, here are a few shots of what was going on… the day AFTER the big storm.
Including some cars left open during evacuation forced to brave the elements?!

And to think I was riding my bike along the lake just two days ago?!

Categories: Chicago, seasons

Okay.. so the storm continues outside. I guess the forecast was pretty accurate?
So the first wave of snow came down, and then the wind picked up to gale force winds!
There are now snow drifts everywhere! But it is more the wind that is kind of freaky.
It’s so windy that the sound is practically deafening… not to mention the tree branches
that keep my living room windows! Guess those should have been trimmed, huh?

So I’m staying inside, keeping warm and enjoying some s’mores in the fireplace!
A little fun online, with some Facebook updates & more, plus some fun shows on TiVO.
When all of a sudden the electricity goes out. Luckily, I have plenty of handmade oil lamps
all around the place. But after some time in the dark… I decided to go outside and play!
Who gets the chance to experience a storm such as this?! And it’s just snow, right?
And luckily, by the time I got home, the electricity was back on! Perfect timing.

So I tried to exit through the front door vestibule… only to find out that that too
has been covered with snow! Yes, the INSIDE of our lobby vestibule is snow covered
as the strong winds keep blowing the exterior door open!!! And not just a little…
there were a couple inches of snow in the drift!

I decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood to see what’s going on. It was beautiful.
So much better than sitting inside in the dark, right? The snow was blowing directly in my face
as I started walking east towards the Lake. As I crossed Broadway, I stopped to help a guy
try to get his car out of the snow drift he had driven into. No dice. He was stuck. The closer
I got to the Lake, the more the wind hurt my face. The gusts were so strong that it felt like
sharp pieces of ice hitting my face. The El train was quiet. As was McDonalds…

Typically it’s so quiet outside during a good snowstorm… but not this time.
The wind was howling, the thunder had died down & there were sirens off in the distance.
I had a great time walking around the neighborhood. Seeing where the snow was, how tall
the drifts were getting… and how bad it was going to be to dig my car out tomorrow!

So here’s some of my neighborhood… the “quiet” serenity without the flash
and the same shot with the flash to show more of the frenzied snow!

So now I’m home warming up… and my clothes is dripping as the snow covering melts!
Who knows what tomorrow will look like if these winds keep up all night?
Regardless, I think tomorrow will be a “snow day” for many of us… which is always fun!!!

Categories: Chicago, seasons

So Chicago is in the path of a huge snowstorm racing across the Midwest.
They are predicting about 30-inches of snow & high winds overnight.
I’ll believe it when I see it… I think they’re over-estimating just a bit.

The official “winter storm watch warning” started at 3:00pm this afternoon
and continues through tomorrow at 3:00pm. Everyone in Chicago is on high-alert
in anticipation of the storm. Lillstreet Art Center has already canceled all classes
for tonight & tomorrow morning. Which means my students get to stay home tonight
instead of fighting the elements. They get to hunker down & stay warm.
We can all play in the clay another day…

I literally laughed out loud this morning when I was listening to the radio
and someone referred to the storm as “SNOWMAGEDDON.” Really? C’mon…
Then the official weather report came across the wire and they referred to it
as “potentially deadly.” Again?… really?… it’s only snow. We call it Winter!!!
Of course there were other creative names that followed throughout the day…
“SnowPocolypse”… “SnowPalooza”… snow-MG…  and now we wait for some snow!