Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair, Taylor

Yesterday my family got together for the last of our Christmas celebrations,
this time with my Aunt Marilyn & cousin Kim who missed the first gathering.
Some more gifts. Some more food. Some more stories.
And one very special gift from my adorable five-year old niece Taylor!

She’s apparently been saving “supplies” in a drawer for awhile now, much to the
chagrin of her somewhat neat-nikish father Scott! But she finally made her vision
come true. With a beautiful art fair booth for me!!! Complete with snow-covered roof,
falling snowflakes, a Christmas tree and curled ribbon garlands.. that she had saved
from her Christmas presents! Adorable.


January 3rd, 2011

This is by and far the best Christmas present I have seen from 2010!

January 3rd, 2011

I know. It’s pretty amazing, huh?! She’s adorable…
and this masterpiece is the perfect gift on so many levels.
1. She saved the “supplies” on her own.
2. She decided “it was time” to make something on her own.
3. She chose “me” as the recipient of her efforts.
4. She “knows me” well enough to know how melt my heart.
5. She was so proud of herself & thrilled when I loved!!!
6. She’s adorable!!!


January 6th, 2011

This is a testimony to your influence in her life. What a wonderful little girl, already exhibiting some “Uncle Gary” talent at making simple materials beautiful. Hope she keeps twisting you around her finger! I see great collaborations in the future.

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