Before we get too far into the story-telling… let me introduce you to Amy Higgason.
She’s an incredible potter that I met many years ago at Lillstreet Art Center when I was
just starting out in my Beginning Wheelthrowing Classes! Since that time, Amy has
moved on in her pottery career, took a residency position in the Northwoods and has
never looked back. She’s been living up in the Northwoods now for over seven years.
Her studio is just a stone’s throw from her house – right there on Pigeon Road.
Hence the name… Pigeon Road Pottery.
Amy’s work has always been quite intricate, textural & detailed. I’ve always liked her style.
I think it may come from the fact that we were both trained as graphic designers before we
started in pottery. So we have a similar background, and a similar aesthetic.
Once I was there, we did the usual chit-chatting, settling-in and giggling… then we
set off to unload her latest kiln. Done just in time for the Northwoods Art Tour.
As we were unpacking the kiln, I was once again awestruck by her work…
the carving, the sgraffito, the textures, the sprigs, the imagery. All of it.
So of course I was also doing some mental shopping of my own!
Which of these beauties was going to come home with me?!
So here’s a quick photo tour of Amy’s studio and her amazing work!
Also, for those of you who may have done the Art Tour in previous seasons, Amy also
has decorated her studio with some of the projects that were created during the Tour.
A couple years ago, Amy had all of the guests make a textured tile. They have all now
been glazed & fired, and mounted onto two panels that decorate the exterior of her studio.
This past summer, she had people make little clay heads. All of the heads
have now been fired and now “reside” in a commemorative platter in Amy’s studio!
Too funny… and a great idea I may need to “borrow” sometime in the future!