We’re just a few days away from the start of the new Fall Session at Lillstreet.
I will once again be teaching a Beginning & Advanced Beginning Wheelthrowing class
on Tuesday nights from 7:00-10:00pm starting on Tuesday, September 14th.
So whether you’ve never touched clay or at least know the basics, you’re more than
ready to join my class for 10-weeks of fun & open studio time. You’ll learn the
basics of wedging, centering & throwing, as well as refinements like trimming,
surface decoration and glazing. And just in time for the holiday gift giving season!
But sign up soon – only thee spaces left in my class!
Plus, you know I’m always up for a challenge… and there’s been discussion amongst
some of my returning students that they want to see me make a Menorah?!
If they do request it… I guess I’ll need to start figuring it out in my head, huh?!