Today was possibly the best “weather day” of the entire summer!
Beautiful sun, nice breeze and no humidity… beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.
So what better place to spend it than going “back in time” to the Renaissance Faire!
Yes, I kid of hate to admit it… but I enjoy the Renaissance Faire… and no…
I DO NOT dress up in costume. That’s at least one step too far!
So went north just over the Illinois border to Bristol, Wisconsin where the annual
Renaissance Faire finds it’s midwest home. My friend Nancy came along for the ride
and enjoyed a day walking through the Middle Ages. Enjoying local artisans, strolling
minstrels, jugglers, and more! We did some shopping – and met a couple fun artists
along the way. Like a couple that does “needle felting” from Wayfarer’s Whimsy.
And Teresa Wooden, our favorite potter at the faire, from Stone Forest Pottery.
While a lot of the day is strolling through the Faire, there needs to be some relaxing
time here & there – like hanging out in the Sky Chairs… quite literally! Or walking through
the gardens, over the bridges and meadows. It’s always a great day at the Faire!

Part of the fun of the Renaissance Faire is watching all of the people dressed up
in elaborate costumes. And like I said, I am definitely NOT one of them!
But here are a just a few of them… a few of the “good” ones!

Although I must admit that my favorite character every year is the spider lady! She’s there
mysteriously & silently spinning her own yarn – and then building this elaborate web
that creates a canopy stretched between the trees… full of knick-knacks left behind.

But then again, here’s a few not so good costumes… and let me just say, there are more
than enough of them in “this” category to make your neck hurt from quick glances over
your shoulder!!! I know they encourage people to dress up at the Renaissance Faire…
but seriously… some people think it’s just an excuse to put on any costume and parade
around. Without friends or mirrors to tell them otherwise?! I’m always amused by the
wide “range” of costumes that aren’t even a bit Medieval – from Star Trek shirts, Asian
kimonos & Ewok capes… to fishnets, corsets and spandex stretched beyond belief?!

At the end of the day, we were leaving the Faire… with a final farewell from a blue
bubble-blowing fairy to bid us a fond adieu!

Oh yeah, one last thing… the food! Besides all of the usual treats like huge barbequed
turkey legs… we found a new favorite this time – deep fried macaroni & cheese! As well
as revisiting a great pizza place in Lake Bluff on the way home that I used to go to as a kid!