After spending the morning working in the garden trying to some quick weeding, pruning
and perennial-splitting done… I touched up my basement tile window! Again…
The basement windows of my condo have a metal security grid attached to the exterior.
Rather unsightly. But when you attach a few tiles to the grid… suddenly, it’s a work of art!
Unfortunately, a few of the tiles have a tendency to “disappear.” I guess that’s part of the game
when you do outdoor “public art.” You want to make it for everyone to enjoy, but not everyone
respects it of what it is. Art. So, I’ve attached them to the metal security grid with black,
plastic zip-ties. But somehow, every once in a while, a tile or two… or three… or seven…
show up missing. No broken pieces? No snipped zip-ties pieces? Not sure where they head
off to. But in my mind I’ve “decided” that they are chosen by some of the Catholic school kids
down the street who LOVED it so much that they had to have a piece of it for themselves.
Somehow, that makes me feel better. So that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
That’s a shame that it’s disappearing, piece by piece. Is anyone in your neighborhood selling “Pendants” by any chance? They look good – a clever idea!
Not that I’ve seen, but that’s part of my theory. I picture a group of small school girls passing by, loving it, and deciding to “keep” a piece of it for themselves. Taking them off in a blood-sealed-secret-deal, then making pendants for their adorable “gang” to wear!!! I’m actually fine with it disappearing slowly… it means that people are noticing it, and I can ALWAYS replace the tiles!