Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bike, seasons

So I’ve “added” another ride to my schedule. My friend Chris and I have decided to ride
the Chicago River North Branch Trail every Monday & Wednesday after work…
as weather & time allow. Today was our third trip this season… another 32 mile ride!

It’s a nice ride that weaves through the forest preserve, around lagoons, across prairies,
and other nature areas taking you from the hectic city street corner of Devon & Milwaukee
where we park our cars… up to the Chicago Botanic Garden where we rest, stretch, chat,
refill water bottles then turn around and start pedaling back. A beautiful ride even this
early in the season where everything is brown & bare… with hints of green. We’re looking
forward to watching the seasons change as we continue to pedal.

BONUS: Along the way, as we’re cruising through the Forest Preserves, Chris and I
are always “deer hunting” and keeping a running tally of all the deer we see along the way.
It’s always a treat to see deer right there along the bike trail. And it always amazes us
how many people just go by without even noticing these precious wonders of nature!

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