So tonight was the much anticipated “black tie event”… with me in my lime bow tie!
It was the annual charity fundraiser gala for the American Cancer Society. The event
was held at the Chicago Opera House – a beautiful venue for this wonderful event.
The place was filled with all the heavy-hitters… CEO’s of all the big Chicago-based
corporations, power spouses, movers & shakers, the ladies who lunch… it was a
veritable philanthropic who’s-who of Chicago… and me… a little out of place?!
It started with a reception in the theater lobby. Silent auction items everywhere,
ranging from gift baskets to spa treatments to sports tickets. From toys for kids to
mink coats to jewelry. There were also two raffle items – a large diamond ring from
Tiffany’s and a fantastic trip package to Scottsdale, Arizona.
At my dinner table, hosted by my friend Sonya from United Airlines, I ate with some
heavy-hitters from Goodman Theater, Comisky Park, the Dominican Republic Consulate
and three charities: Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer & Malaria. Rubbing elbows with the
“in crowd” was quite the change from getting all dirty in the studio! I felt so grown-up!
I actually had to wear long pants AND socks!!!
The entertainer was comedian Martin Short who got the crowd warmed-up
and ready for the main event – the live auction. Incredible “dream vacation” packages,
sports packages, all-star trips to the Academy Awards, a New York adventure to
Broadway and the Tony Awards… even a labradoodle pup was auctioned off –
all to raise money for the American Cancer Society.
All in all, it was a fun evening. Definitely a bit out of my comfort zone. It did help knowing
a couple people at my table… as well as the surprise of seeing my biking friend Nancy walk
in the door! She got a last minute invitation, so her and her husband John also came to
the gala.. unbeknownst to me. Nice surprise to see her there!
Quite the fancy pants evening Gary.
Did you check out the finished tile you commented about last week? There are a couple others too, but the scroll one you liked is there.
HEY SCOTT – Yes, I did check out your scroll tile – LOVE IT. And I agree, I like where there’s a bit of run-off between the scroll and the background. I think it helps with the “patina illusion.” And yes, it was quite the “fancy pants” evening!!! Especially mine with the shiny black stripe down the sides of my tux pant legs!!!
You looked FABULOUS Darling!
You looked pretty smashing as well my dear. We clean up pretty nice, huh?! Who’da thunk?!
What a great story Gary! I loved reading it! Someday I’ll get to Chicago. How was the stamping lesson? Video in the mail? 🙂
Yes, the “Ball” was indeed a ball. It was a great event… and it raised a great deal of money for the American Cancer Society. As for the stamping lesson, we focused on making the stamps in class – hoping to get them bisqued before next week when we’ll talk about using them. And yes… the video is indeed “in the mail”… as well as the proverbial check… the cash… the winning lottery ticket…