Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair, inspiration, photography, pottery, process, production, studio

After a lengthy “hiatus” from the studio while remodeling my bathroom…
the mug cylinders I had thrown before renovation began had “a little bit of a wait”
for handles & slip. Going in just to spray them now & again… trying to keep them
feasible… keeping them moist so I could finish them off. For about three weeks!!!

The bathroom project is finally finished… and tonight I finished the mugs!
Now they just need a couple days to dry… then into a bisque kiln…


Categories: special events, television

Just when you thought you “knew” what was going on…


Looks like some of our favorites might be making a return from the dead?!
Claire. Charlie. Shannon. Michael. Ana Lucia. Mr. Eko. John. Libby. Boone.
And what about “blown-to-smitherines” Arzt???… will he be “put back together” again?
(Sadly, I don’t see my favorite, and presumably also exploded, Juliet in the picture?!)
But does that also mean that all of “The Others” who died might be back too?!
Mikhail. Goodwin. Ethan. Mr. Friendly. Ms. Klugh… and ultimately, Jacob???

Another great (and sadly final) season of “LOST” begins tonight with three hours of fun!
Here’s to hoping we get a few answers this season.. and that some of my “predictions”
turn out to be correct… and that we might FINALLY get see more about Libby’s backstory!
Just when she was getting interesting… she’s killed & off the show!!!
But now she might be back?!

Categories: special events, television


They’re back… and I can’t wait.