Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: lillstreet, studio

‘Tis the season to be shopping… and my studio is all decked out & ready to go!
With mugs & bowls, oil lamps & vases and oh so much more. Plus some fun, festive
holiday décor to set the mood – I’m ready for a fun night at the Lillstreet Holiday
Open House tonight!


Kick-off your holiday shopping season with some handmade artwork by local artisans.
The Lillstreet Studio Artists will be around throughout the month of December to
meet & greet people as they visit the studios. The group of artists in my studio area
will be open every weekend leading up to Christmas – so stop by soon!



Categories: lillstreet, studio

The Lillstreet Art Center Holiday Open House is coming quickly…
and it’s the perfect time to spruce up the joint a bit. ‘Tis the season.
In fact, the Opening Reception is this Friday night from 6:00pm-10:00pm!!!
And I’ve completed my self-imposed remodeling just in time!

I decided to “take one for the team” and tackle the common area hallway.
We’ve had a bit of artist turnover in the studios, the bios were out-of-date,
and the place was looking a little beat up. Not so inviting… so it’s time for a change.
A couple coats of fresh paint. Some updated artists biographies & signage.
Voila’… whole new look to kick off the holiday shopping season!


A couple masks to greet our holiday shoppers. Always  friendly. Always perky…
with shifty glass eyeballs to bring a smile to the kid inside everyone!


As well as some tiled wall pieces in hallway in different sizes, colors & styles!


Categories: production, studio

Getting ready for the holidays… and trying to make enough to get me through the season!
Patterns… textures… colors… and a lot of gold cord to hang them on!


Categories: bike, inspiration, process, sunrise

It’s been a wonderful season of biking. With over a hundred mornings of sunrise photos!
However, the forecast isn’t so good… it’s supposed to snow tomorrow! I’m okay with cold…
I’m okay with wind… but I’m not a big fan of riding through snow& frozen puddles –
especially since the first half of the ride is in complete darkness!! Not too safe. So…
sadly, this may be the last sunrise photo of the season? Although I’m still hoping for another
“warm spell” so I can get back out just a few more times!


Categories: bike, seasons, sunrise

Today is December… and I’m still riding my bike in the morning before work!
Although it’s not bright, sunny & “summery” any more…
